How do you make a bibliography.
Firstly we need to know why we use a bibliography. You all know about copyright, right? Now copyright prevents the spread of free information and gives rights to artists, mucisians and researches so that they get recognised and payed for their work. As students and learners we have a right to use their information, but we need to give recognition for their work. It also means that we cannot take the information word for word and we need to make it our own.
Example from wikipedia:
Many Dadaists believed that the 'reason' and 'logic' of bourgeois capitalist society had led people into war. They expressed their rejection of that ideology in artistic expression that appeared to reject logic and embrace chaos irrationality. For example, George Grosz later recalled that his Dadaist art was intended as a protest "against this world of mutual destruction."
According to wikipedia this was referenced from Schneede, Uwe M. (1979), George Grosz, His life and work, Universe Books. The italics indicate the name of the book.
This is how I am going to make this my own work:
According to Schneede many Dadaist that the middleclass ideals was what led people into war. They rejected this middleclass ideology in an artistic expression that rejects logic and seems chaotic.(Schneede, U.M. 1979)
at the end I will reference it like this (Schneede, U.M. 1979) and in my bibliography I will ad my reference:
1. Schneede U. M. 1979. George Grosz, His life and work, Universe Books
easy... now if you found a web page you would look for the writer, time updated, name of page, where you can find it and when you accsessed it:
Antonites, E. 2010. How to make a bibliography. [ONLINE:] [ACCSESSED ON:] 28 September 2010
After your project you should have a seperate page that has all your references.
here is a whole webpage on making a bibliography:
Good luck!
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